SMAS and Deep Plane Facelift

Such facelift techniques as SMAS facelift or deep-plane facelift can provide long-lasting and natural looking facial rejuvenation results. Thread lift is a relatively less extensive procedure used to slightly tighten and lift the patient’s skin without removing any of it. In order to get a clear view of these facelift procedures, the key differences will be discussed below.

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SMAS facelift

SMAS facelift, also known as the SMAS rhytidectomy, is a technique used to address jowls, sagging skin, or excess fat, in the lower two-thirds of the face. Usually around the age of 40, facial skin and SMAS layer begin to decrease in elasticity. This is when the first visual aging signs appear. SMAS layer (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) is located between the subcutaneous fat and the muscles of the face. By slightly altering the position of this layer, surgeons can manipulate the appearance of the face. During SMAS rhytidectomy, SMAS layer is separated from the skin and fat tissues and then tightened. Excess of the skin and fat can also be removed. Although it might seem like a complicated procedure, the results achieved are actually much more long-lasting than the results of the skin-only facelifts. Sagging skin, hollow cheeks, nasolabial folds, jowls, and loose skin around the jawline, can, fortunately, be removed through the SMAS rhytidectomy.

Deep-plane facelift

Deep-plane facelift is a surgical technique which works by altering a “deep-plane” layer of the face. The deep-plane layer is found above the facial muscles but deeper than the SMAS layer. Deep-plane lift addresses firmness of the muscle and tissue. It works by releasing two ligaments (zygomaticocutaneuous and mandibulocutaneous) that contribute to the formation of the nasolabial folds, under-eye hollowness, and saggy skin in the jaw and neck areas. Performing the surgery in deep-plane allows a surgeon to relocate the tissues of the cheeks, jowls, and neck. The excess skin can be removed and incision sites, which are hidden in the hairline close to the ears, are then closed with sutures. The face is then wrapped with dressings that will minimize swelling.

Thread Lift

A thread lift is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedure wherein the skin is subtly lifted by placing temporal sutures. Thread lift targets loose skin around the cheeks, jawline, and neck. Thread lift technique is unique in a way that the skin is not removed but only slightly lifted for a smooth and contoured look. The layers underneath the skin are pulled up with a tiny needle, therefore, no incisions are made. Small invisible threads are then placed to secure the skin in an up-lifted position. The best candidates for a thread lift procedure are people who possess a good skin tone. Most patients are between the ages of 30 and 60. Usually, they just begin to notice their first aging signs but do not possess much skin sagging in the face or neck areas. Since thread lift is a small-scale procedure, the outcome of the it is not that long-lasting either.

What is the difference?

SMAS, deep-plane, and thread lift facelifts all differ within their invasiveness, target areas, and permanence. SMAS and deep-plane facelift techniques both alter the position of the skin and the deep layers of the face, thus ensuring long-lasting and dramatic changes.

How to choose the best option?

The vast amount of facial rejuvenation procedures might seem overwhelming, but  if you wish to regain your self-esteem and achieve natural-looking and enduring results, please contact the clinic for more information and schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. You will then discuss various possible treatment options and choose the one that will let your dreams come true.