Fast track booking

What is a Fast Track Booking?
Many of our patients are aware that the wait time for plastic surgeries at our clinic can extend up to a few months or more. Like all medical practices, we occasionally experience last-minute cancellations. To accommodate this, we’re pleased to offer you a Fast Track Booking option, which may let you have your surgery in any week of your choice along with a 5% discount!

Special fast track booking discount (5%)

By using this service you may choose a particular week and travel to Lithuania the weekend before. You would then be allocated an exact surgery date that week (usually, allocation is confirmed between Monday and Wednesday). We commit to guarantee that you have your surgery by Sunday of the agreed week.

The only difference from our standard booking is that with the Fast Track option, your surgeon will be selected based on availability due to a recent cancellation, rather than by personal choice.

In the very unlikely case of us not providing a surgery time for you, we will compensate you up to 1,000 EUR to cover your flights and accommodation expenses.

To this day, all of our patients have been allocated a surgery date through this service, without the need to issue any compensation.

Discounts apply to surgeries* under our current price list and can not be combined.

*The service is not offered for patients having gynecological procedures, facelift or rhinoplasty.